Geotomo res2dinv
Geotomo res2dinv

geotomo res2dinv

"Multiple crosscorrelation staining reverse time migration for high-resolution fracture imaging"Ĭongcong Yaun, Xiaofeng Jia, and Shishou Liu, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo LLC Luc Haumonte, Kietta and Weizhong Wang, GeoTomo LLC "Survey results obtained in a complex geological environment with midwater stationary cable"

geotomo res2dinv

Huiyu Zhu, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo LLC "Monitoring the crustal temporal variations in Yannan, China" Wenbin Jiang and Zhiyang Liu, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo LLC "Differaction imaging using reverse time migration with pointing vectors" Yang Shen, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo LLC "Interferometric imaging with FreeCable geometry" "A paradigm shift in marine seismic: Broadband full-offset full-azimuth 4-C acquisition with midwater stationary cable" "There is no pure P- or S-wave land seismic source"Īndre Pugin, Geological Survey of Canada and Oz Yilmaz, GeoTomo LLC

geotomo res2dinv

Schuster, King Abdullah U of Science and Technology Oz Yilmaz, GeoTomo LLC 2017 "Zero-offset sections with a deblurring filter in the time domain" Yang Shen, Mengyao Sun, Sen Liu, Zhibo Chen and Weiping Li, U of Science and Technology of China Jie Zhang, GeoTomo LLC "Seismic trace editing by applying machine learning" "Offshore high-resolution seismic survey for a subsea tunnel across the Bosphorus Waterway, Istanbul, Turkey" Mavko, Stanford U, Hossein Jodeiri, Sahand U of Technology "Seismic response of soft water-bottom sediments" "Circumventing velocity uncertainty in imaging complex structures" Yang Shen*, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo 2018 "Applying the refraction migration method to image a deep interface in Xinjiang, China" Xiangjun Ding*, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo 2019 "Rapid high-resolution 3D seismic surface traveltime tomography" Ziang Li, Dong Liu, and Jiangfeng Du, University of Science and Technology of China,Jie Zhang, GeoTomo "Applying a joint geophysical inversion approach for medical imaging" Han Wang, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo "Seismic noise attenuation by applying a deep learning method without noise-free labels" Yangyang Ma*, University of Science and Technology of China, Jie Zhang, GeoTomo 2020 "Velocity model building from one-shot VSP data via a convolutional neural network" Land Seismic Case Studies for Near-Surface Modeling nad Subsurface Imaging Oz Yilmazīook Seismic Processing Publications 2021


In addition to a comprehensive update of his original volume on processing, Oz Yilmaz has expanded it to include inversion and interpretation.Įngineering Seismology with Applications to Geotechnical Engineering Oz Yilmaz Processing, Inversion, and Interpretation of Seismic Data

Geotomo res2dinv